5 Minute Action!

Jun 07, 2023

Five minute action – the simple technique to increase productivity and healthy habits!

Do you find it hard to get started?

I have been saying this to my personal training clients for years, whenever they struggle with motivation to go to the gym, I always suggest breaking it down into simple bite-size chunks to make it more achievable in the mind.

Our thoughts can quite easily talk us out of starting!


I tell them, that it’s important to maintain momentum with training and the regular practice of going to the gym helps to solidify this behaviour into the part of the brain that regulates behaviour. The prefrontal cortex.


Here’s what I would say to clients struggling with motivation…


‘Instead of thinking that you have to do a whole hour of intense exercise... break it down so it's less of a mountain to climb… go to the gym, even when you don’t feel like it, and just do five minutes of exercise. Even if you leave after that five minutes at least you showed intent’


Now, you’re probably thinking that five minutes of exercise is totally pointless…


The point here is repetition of a behaviour. Not hard work.

We need to maintain consistency and repeat the action for us to instil a habit  – if you tell yourself you don’t like exercise for example and your constantly arguing with yourself about whether you should or shouldn't go. Wouldn’t it make sense to make a compromise with that voice in your head?

Do 5 minutes!


There’s tons of research out there showing that anyone can do anything for five minutes and based on research, you’re more than likely (around 80% of the time) to continue that task once you’ve started.

So the key here is starting.


You’re not always going to feel like going to the gym and that's ok. You’re not always going to feel motivated and that's normal.


But like I always say...

'Motivation begins when action takes place'

And this simple five minute technique is the perfect example of how it works... because you get into action despite how you feel and once the wheels are in motion so to speak, you could feel compelled to continue.


The gym is just one example...


You can use this on anything -  whenever you are procrastinating or avoiding a task, assignment, project or even the housework…


Just commit to 5 minutes of that action and test yourself to see how much more compelled you are to continue that particular task after you started!


The brain is hardwired to keep us comfortable, remember this, we have to teach it that delayed gratification is worthwhile. That the rewards in the future are the prize to be won.


Tell yourself that once start, that you will feel much better.

The same with the gym once you’ve done the workout you will feel activated, engaged, motivated and happy that you have worked towards a healthier you..


Next time you’re trying to avoid a task tell yourself 'five minute action' and then do it!


Habit changing is a mind game - and you need to learn to overcome it. After a while it just becomes second nature because you realise that the ideal outcome is what’s driving you.

You're more focused on the future rewards rather than the momentary pain.


Give it a go and tell me how you get on!

Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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