‘A plan without action, is just that, a plan’

Aug 15, 2023

A plan without action!


Ok, so you’ve made the decision to start looking after your own health and fitness. To begin looking and feeling better.


And whilst making that decision and setting the intention to change your well-being, is a worthy choice…


Intention without action is redundant.


Sure, it’s always great to dream big and have positive aspirations for our lives…


But if we don’t make practical steps towards that dream then we never fully realise the potential we could make.


The point I’m trying to make is if you want to dream big you also need to do big.


If you want to lose a considerable amount of weight, then planning the goal is one thing but have you considered how you’re going to get there.


Are you going to take a step-by-step approach and create a roadmap for your ongoing weight loss success?




Are you going to wing it?


Remember, the whole reason why you are in the position that you’re in right now…


Is because you didn’t have a plan and a structure – a roadmap -  that would maintain or possibly progress your health & fitness.


You regressed.


If we don’t take a deliberate effort, a positive intention towards our well-being then we very easily lose sight of the main objective when life has its inevitable ups and downs.


‘Fail to plan, plan to fail!’


But also…


‘A plan without action, is just that, a plan’


The good news?


You’ve learned through this blog post and through experience that having a plan without action means you get no results…


Or more accurately you get the results you didn't want.


So what is it going to be?


What's the plan?


But more importantly...


What's the action?


Trust me, when it all clicks into gear you will never look back!


Paul x






Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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