Are you all are nothing when trying to lose weight?

Jul 12, 2023

Are you all are nothing when trying to lose weight?


If you watched my story yesterday you will know that I have derived inspiration for this email from my recent trip to London.


When I was younger I had a particular affinity to big cities, I loved the buzz, the energy, the business, and more importantly the anonymity of it all.


Big cities can either be exciting! Or harrowing all the same.


But as I matured my values changed and I now prefer stability and sustainability in my life. Not to say you can’t get that in a big city, but it’s much harder to carve out some peace in a place that is always striving and with that things can sway either way.


My visit to London demonstrated the extremes that a big metropolis like that can have…


You’re either riding high, making lots of money - life is good. Or you’re struggling to make ends meet. Feeling isolated and alone, but deciding to stick with it as ‘it’s the place to be’.


There’s something quite intoxicating about big cities. Perhaps it’s the element of risk or the extreme between the good and the bad. Leaving us feeling elated and on the edge.


This can be very addictive!


Because it plays into our innate need for incident and stimulation. It’s makes life exciting!




How on earth does this relate to your weight loss journey?


We are all guilty of it in some way … once we set our minds on something (in this case losing weight) we go to any lengths - often extreme - to achieve success.


Why do anything by halves right?


It’s often believed that the quicker that we can arrive at a destination the more the better. Or that the method we use needs to be a challenge in some way… otherwise its boring and we lose interest…


It loses its appeal.


I know this very well. I understand this.


People come to me for help almost expecting the process to be harder work than it is. We’ve been sold that the secret to looking better has to be extreme.



Have you tried any of the following?


-       Low carb

-       Low calories

-       Intermittent Fasting

-       Juice cleanses

-       Herbal Life

-       Eating Windows


To name but a few.


Like London we have been sold that some of these diets are ‘the place to be’… finally something that works.


But time and time again you found that you had fallen short with these particular methods. So you tried another one, and another, and possibly another!


Perhaps you did have see a great result initially…but after that the proces was too hard to endure. So you fell back into your old ways.


The other side of the pendulum of extremity.


You quit and you felt pretty shit about that.


Like the excitement of living in a big city these diets promised a more exciting version of yourself. Something that you have been craving for such a long time.


Because you felt unhappy with where you’re at.


The diet industry is toxic…


My suggestion is that we’re always cautious about being pulled into anything that promotes unrealistic claims. Be prepared for change to be slower steadier and more ‘boring’ then you’d like it to be.


But that's okay!


My promise to you is that if you stick with the rules of weight loss and energy balance – in other words calories in and calories out… you will triumph


But by the time you do you will be a whole new person that is mentally and physically prepared for the change that you’re about to make and that my dear readers will make the weight stay off for good.

Paul x

Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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