Awesome benefits of exercise!

May 10, 2023

It’s not just about the numbers on a scale!


Listen we’re all guilty of it when we go on a ‘health kick’ we tend to focus on how we look to measure success.


We feel that if we aren’t losing weight or look slimmer then we aren’t progressing. That something must be wrong and the process simply isn’t working.


I understand this.

We can have a strange relationship with the scale and it can impact our self-esteem. If the scale goes down, we feel good, but if it goes up – somehow that makes us bad?




Perhaps we could take stock and recognise there are other markers of success that are just as important! If not more so.


Weight loss doesn’t instantly mean happiness. I will explain why…


You’ve likely heard of people before that have lost a significant amount of body fat, but they still felt miserable. The weight transformation didn’t make them happy.


They had this almost naïve expectation that life will be perfect when they trim down. But guess what, other problems still exist. They didn’t go away.


Perhaps you had the same experience when you went on a diet?


Life is about balance. Whichever way you look at it, we cannot have one thing without another we cannot go to one extreme or another - even if the extreme is perceived as being healthy.


For example, if you were somebody that used to overeat to counteract the emotional ups and downs in your life… then you may feel the answer is to restrict completely.


But is this the solution?


If you have felt unhappy and unfulfilled when you’ve been on a diet this email is for you. It’s also a reminder that there are other key benefits to health that are pretty fucking awesome!


Just to clarify, I am not saying that losing weight isn’t great. It is. But it's not everything!


Another question to pose to you…


What is the meaning of life?


I bet most of you would answer the question that the meaning of the life is to be HAPPY!


And happiness often coincides with some level of balance. Restriction robs us of freedom and joy. Remember this.


Here are the major (but overlooked). benefits to getting fitter:




If you’re somebody that is experienced niggles aches and pains from simple movements... you will agree that a consistent strength training routine added into your week will support your function. Bending, reaching and squatting becomes much easier.


Being able to move around better without injury is invaluable to anybody that suffered from a painful shoulder knee or back in the past.


Feeling stronger is one of the most amazing benefits to start your health fitness routine.




No doubt about it, when we start fitness, set up a goal and stick with it - we feel way more confident than before.


There’s something about looking after ourselves that really catapults our self-esteem and confidence… we are able to tackle life on a totally different level.


Once you get a hold of your health and regain some control of your life it is so obvious to yourself and to others.


You radiate this new energy!




If everyone around you including yourself is sick and tired of you being sick and tired -  this is the most amazing benefit that you can experience.


Suddenly, your relationships get better and the way you relate with yourself intensifies in such a positive way that you’ll have a whole new outlook on life


A better mood and attitude will set up for the week and this new sense of fortitude cannot be matched.

Don't ignore the other benefits to wellbeing!



Those are some of the things of the benefits that you can experience. When we focus on accountability to the right action by moving more and eating better, we start to feel better about ourselves.


And feeling better will start to trigger changes in how we look. We just need to focus on what matters long term.



Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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