Destructive habits that will kill your weight loss!

Apr 05, 2023

Welcome to Part 2 of the Emotional Eating series!


In this email, I am going to write about how a poor relationship with our bodies can set us up for failure when it comes to losing weight. 


Are you someone that ‘hates’ your body?


Do you blame it when you’ve been sick, overeaten and feel bloated or can be very critical of particular body parts like your legs or bum?


If so, this is for you…


MINDSET and the way we treat our bodies


I will attempt to explain and possibly educate you, my dear readers, about the serious pitfalls we can face when we view our bodies with neglect and disdain.


You must have heard this quote in some variation before…


‘If you can’t love yourself; how the hell you gonna love anybody else’ - Rupaul


That’s right I quoted Rupaul lol


But, its true!


And I will return to this premise at the end of the email.


Imagine our body and mind as two separate entities. Perfectly intwined and working in harmony (hopefully) to allow you to get out there to live life and create…


You move, you work, you love, you tackle and strive…


All through this amazing conduit we call the mind and body.


Both entities are under your reign of control – and if you didn’t know this, keep reading!


You truly have the power to make your body AND mind work FOR you!


And they are both quite happy to do this, provided you treat them nicely


When working in harmony the body and mind operate in perfect symphony with each other… in order for this to happen your internal dialogue – how you speak to yourself - should be caring, nurturing and you want the best for yourself.


You feel relatively stress free, capable of tackling challenges, relate with others on a deeper level and generally life is all good.


Your body is in a calm state and able to carry out the normal functions to keep you alive and thriving.


Because of this you are less likely to act out in ways that are detriment to your wellbeing. Instead leaning towards positive behaviours like healthy eating, workouts and rest and recovery.




If you’re in direct conflict with this natural rhythm, you will feel the pain and a possibly a lot of destruction!


The link between how we view ourselves and how our own negative dialogue that we feed our minds, will create a more hostile environment on a physical and energetic level…


Put simply, if you’re unkind to yourself, even on the verge of abusive then this will impact the way the body responds.


You know what it’s like when someone says something mean or insults you – its hurts!


And why would it not be the same with the body?


It becomes stressed and upset… too distracted by the trauma it’s experiencing to carry out functions like digestion to the fullest effect.


It’s a like a vicious cycle – we hate on ourselves (stress), this impacts the natural harmony, it weakens adequate functioning and then we blame it when we are bloated or overly tired!




What should you do?


First it’s important to realise that weight loss is a positive result to appropriate action and behaviour change. Treating ourselves better will literally impact our whole demeanour…


Like attracts like… be nice to yourself and achieve great results!


When you have some time to yourself, take a moment to relax and start reflecting on all the ways you are pretty nasty with your body. How you treat it, speak to it, view it.


Be courageously compassionate with it…


Then start to look at how you can change this negativity you’ve been inflicting on yourseld all this time by literally treating yourself like someone you adore…


Give your body (and mind) the love they need.


I know this sounds fluffy. But our relationship with ourselves should be our greatest endeavour. Charity starts at home – so to speak!


If you don’t love your body, how can you expect that sentiment to be returned. If like attracts like, surely the best way out of feeling unhappy with your body is to stop being unkind to it.




Oh and on a practical level, I guarantee you the binge eating habits you struggle with will start to go away when you build a positive relationship with it.


As they say, misery loves company…


Do you really want this crap in your life anyway?

Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

Read more here

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