Don't give up!

Sep 12, 2023

Don't give up!


I get it, it’s shit when you don’t feel like picking yourself up and moving forward.


One moment you’re onto a winner -  you’re seeing results with your weight loss journey. Feeling confident, happy and contented everything is going your way.


Why would you not continue with this wonderful path?


Everything is going soooo perfectly…


And all of a sudden…


It's not!


Something triggers you and the motivation to continue falls out of the sky.


You’re left bewildered, annoyed, frustrated and possibly confused because yesterday…Hell, even an hour ago you were all set to go.


This is normal.


I’ve been there myself many times… in fact it’s the entire reason I’m writing this blog post in the first place. Because I feel like giving up today.


That’s right I think it will be good for you to hear a little self disclosure.


I’m fed up with working hard and not quite seeing the fruits of my labour. This summer has been shit for business.


But, I know that persistence is key when we want to achieve anything worthwhile in life.


It’s the same for you. Weight loss requires persistency and consistency!!


Do. Not. Give. Up!


Do you hear me?


There will be times in your life where you will just think ‘fuck it!’


This is where you MUST continue.


There’s always going to be that time where we could easily give up. There’s a trigger point in our lives that can let us fall off the path to success.


Embrace this period, expect it to happen.


Now, if the reason why you want to give up is because you are not meeting your expectations on your weight-loss journey… perhaps you haven’t lost X amount of Kgs this week and it’s left you feeling despondent…


The reason why you feel like that is because your expectations have not met the reality.


Maybe you could change your expectations? Or… you keep going!


If you give up how are you going to achieve what you desire?


Do. Not. Give. Up!


I will repeat this as many times I need.  Let it sink in for all of you that are reading. There’s no other explanation for it.


Just keep going!


My heart is with you all. Good luck!


Paul x


Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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