Exercise can release trauma!

Sep 18, 2023

Trauma - and how health and fitness can help you combat old wounds.


Whether it’s trauma with a big T or a small t we have all experienced frightening situations in our lives that have left us with a change in perception.


We literally feel differently about life after a big shock!


Sometimes it forces us to live life on life’s terms and mature. But other experiences have less of an educational quality and we would rather not have to deal with them at all.


You may find this particular subject uncomfortable to deal with.


It is not my intention to disturb any of you. If after reading this you feel triggered, I would like you to remind yourself how incredibly strong you are to have survived whatever it is you’ve been through.


(Speak to a friend or therapist if the trigger persists)


The reason for this blog post is to discuss the likelihood that you may be experiencing some form of wounding in the body and that can have a negative effect on how we function.


If you’re struggling to lose weight right now the likelihood is that you also have some form issue around eating - specifically how much you’re eating.


Food can be a great anaesthetic for troubling emotions.


If we’ve had an experience in our lives that we haven’t fully processed this can get locked into the body and disrupt our system…


And if the event/shock was a while ago we may no longer be conscious of it and why we feel anxious, sad, angry or depressed all the time.


Exercise can help...


There’s no doubt about it… fitness itself can help you re-process and heal some of the negative energy blocks that you have in the body.


'Nobody regrets a workout'


Movement helps you expend energy on a physical level and on the emotional level!


It’s not just about the movement itself that can help you reprocess old experiences as well…


It’s the boost in self-efficacy and confidence that a regular fitness routine can bring. The more resilient you feel the likelier you are to be able to over power some of the shadows that have been permeating your emotional experience for sometime.


I’m a big believer in therapy for anybody that has been through challenging situations. Which, let’s be honest, is pretty much all of us.


But, I also recognise that the need to look after ourselves and move our bodies in such a way that we bring back the fight in us.


And start us back on the journey to the healthier, happier person we can be!


Therapy in conjunction with fitness is the way forward for releasing trauma from the body.


Talking it out in therapy and also moving it through with exercise is an excellent combination so you can finally flush out whatever it is that’s holding you back.


And if we go back to the issue around eating, once we defuse some of the negative emotions that may be the reason why you overeat in the first place.


You find that food is no longer a strategy to help you avoid. Because there simply isn’t anything there to escape from anymore.


Paul x


Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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