It takes time!

Jul 26, 2023

Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly!


Either way you’re making progress.


This is a message to anybody that has heard of or even participated in transformation programs that claim to have you beach body ready in a short period of time – anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks.


The problem is…


It doesn’t take into account where you’re at in your fitness journey. Or your mindset around self-care in general.


Whether you’re just starting out and learning the ropes. Or you’re a seasoned gym goer that already has a routine and structure in place.


Perhaps you’re even somewhere in between…


Where you’re starting from will make a huge difference to the speed of your perceived progress.


Now, let’s forget about short-term transformation journeys…


Suppose you’re not in a hurry to make a big change to your health and fitness.


What would that be like?


Does it take the pressure off?


Listen, I’ve always talked about the rules of the game when it comes to losing weight or getting fitter. They don’t change, it will always be the same set of rules.


Starting out doesn’t have to be extreme, you can start small.


We have a lot of reprogramming to do before the push…


But, as long as you’re changing some of your habits in alignment with the rules of the weight loss game… you are making progress!


Rome wasn’t built in a day.


If you haven’t been prioritising your health and fitness for many years don’t expect a big change to happen in such a short period of time.


There needs to be a process of unbinding the old negative patterns that led us to where we are now. So that we can make room for the better behaviours that will lead to success long-term.


It’s a process!


Does that mean you won’t see changes quickly? NO. You will be amazed when it all starts to work!


But that change isn’t always going to be physical. As long as you’re doing the doing it will happen.



Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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