More time for you!

Jul 05, 2023

Love is the answer!


No seriously…


Self-love that is


We do it all the time. Something goes wrong and we fall into a deep cavern of self-loathing.


Perhaps it might have been the way that we behaved, something within our control. Or perhaps it was an external force that we couldn’t control but we habitually take responsibility for that particular event or other persons behaviour…


‘This always happens to me’


Have you ever said this before? Do you believe it?


You may also believe that you deserve whatever is happening to you on some level. 


How we look at the world and perceive ourselves in it can directly affect our outward and inward treatment of ourselves. It can also dictate our daily actions whether positive or negative.


Think about how you treat your body and if this is working to develop long term health or is it working against your wellbeing?


Life can be stressful, there's no doubt about it!


We all have wounds and a past that we sometimes like to forget… but we also very often do not have time to be reflecting on those issues all the time. Life’s too busy for that!


How many of you put on a totally different persona on at work in the interest of being professional?


Heck, some of you will be so good at this altered persona that none of your colleagues have a clue what’s going on in your life even when the chips are down.


You’ve managed to perfect a method of being able to survive (at least on the surface) at work, in your relationships and your reputation is exemplary.


You’re the good, capable, do anything for anyone… NICE person!


I’m speaking to all you people pleasers right now!


But, sometimes under the veneer of the ‘capable’ and ‘nice’ is a way to avoid the troubles running deep within us.


A vulnerable, often needier side that needs time and attention just like everyone else.


You almost exiled this part of you!




I’ll get to the point of this email. Love, specifically self-love is the answer to all your problems.


And by this I mean putting yourself first sometimes.


Everything starts with you. Without a healthy you… you cannot help anyone else properly.


Your oxygen mask must be put on first!


We need to navigate life like a sturdy ship with a strong and even keel.


Running away from, or in this case covering up our core self that needs some care and attention will only lead to trouble down the road.


Why? You may ask…


Many of my clients who come to me trying to lose weight have been putting others first for too long and neglected their own needs. This has led to quick fixes like eating on the go and generally not taking care of their bodies.


Because they’re so 'busy'


Or maybe it’s not other people... but your business/career that has taken your health & fitness hostage… It’s all the same.


Too much attention on the other rather than the self.


Something needs to change. You can’t run on empty forever.


The way you approach life changes when you start to shift more focus onto yourself. You matter as well!


So be a bit more selfish – especially where your wellbeing is concerned.




I promise you’ll be more useful to the world when you feel, think, act and even look ready to take on the world.


Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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