No Gym, No problem!

Aug 09, 2023


No Gym, No problem!


It’s not a requirement to join a gym to lose weight – but it could be beneficial.


When a prospective client contacts me about my coaching, they could be at a variety of stages with their health and fitness.


Some people are more confident than others in their ability to perform and maintain an exercise routine.




Many people (perhaps this is you) have legitimate reasons for why they can’t visit a gym regularly.


The most common being either time, or they feeling anxious in a gym environment.


If you’re somebody that simply doesn’t have the time to devote to regular training at the gym due to work commitments, parenthood or any other responsibilities that eat up your free time.


Or the thought of walking into a gym right now makes you feel ill…


Then home training could be the option for you.


For now!


Joining a gym and its facilities will actually be advantageous at a later stage of your fitness development. You’ll have access to more superior equipment - being able to progress the weight and it will give you other options for exercise that you can perform to target specific areas of the body.




Home workouts can be just as effective in the initial stage for fat loss and toning…


Work with what you’ve got!


Perhaps you’ve got a kettle bell or some dumbbells lying around in the garage. Rather than making a serious financial investment by buying more start making use of them.


No equipment? You could just do bodyweight training. Go for a run. HIIT. The choice is yours.


The key here is to just get started with where you’re at.


Whatever it is you decide to do make sure it’s enjoyable, so that you stick to it and you practice it regularly.


A minimum of three times per week.


Once you’ve chosen your workout program… give it a minimum of four weeks.


Just experiment with the consistency of regular exercise and notice the changes in your fitness levels, how do you think, how are you feel and just your overall sense of well-being.


As you start to build confidence in your abilites…


You will start to prioritise these sessions much more – because you’ll want to progress!


You may even fall in love with it!


By this point you may continue with home training but decide to up the ante a little bit and make it more challenging. Adding in extra workouts or pick up the pace on your run!


Or… maybe you’ll be ready to graduate to gym training.


Right now it may not seem like going to the gym is a possibility for you, but by the time you reach a certain point with the process you could surprise yourself and finally be ready to step through those doors.


But, a gym membership is not a requirement for weight loss success.


Wherever you’re at, just start…


All of this is to be performed at a natural pace for you!


It will come.


Paul x

Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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