No Time?

Sep 27, 2023



How to make more time for your exercise when you don’t have much of it!


I get it, you’re really busy at the moment. In fact you’re busy most of the time.


Life, is frenetic and ongoing – work never stops!


Working with my clients over the years has helped me realise that the lack of time is not an ‘excuse’ for most people when it comes to taking care of the health and fitness….


It’s a GENUINE reason!




If we allow this ‘reason’ to hold us back from looking after ourselves it can have serious consequences.


Not right now maybe…


But as the years roll on? Most certainly!


Everyone is aware of the risk of not living a healthy lifestyle. Think diabetes or heart disease. These are genuine risks to our health.


What can you do?


I suggest you try to carve a little bit of time (no matter how small) into your week to start making some changes to your lifestyle.


Literally, five minutes a day if that’s the most that you can spend!


It may feel like it’s impossible to make time for this right now because you’re so busy… that it’s just something else that you have to do and adding this onto your list is just too much.


Change your perspective on this…


Think of it like a financial investment…


There’s a cost involved in the initial stages but over time the returns compound again and again. You accrue interest!


And it’s the same for your health and fitness. Without it you’re likely to go broke! In health terms I mean.


You just cannot sustain this level of productivity inside an unhealthy body.


Paul x

Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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