No time, no problem!

May 17, 2023

Time – why we need to make time for our health and fitness!


One of the biggest complaints most of the people that I speak to about starting a health and fitness routine is, that they don’t have time to exercise or eat better or look after themselves.


But what if I told you that you can do all those things within your hectic schedule and start to look and feel better almost effortlessly


Listen, I’m not saying that time isn't an issue for people. But, I am saying that it’s often excuse to stop ourselves from being able to succeed in some of the areas of life that we claim are important to us – you know you need to start getting fitter and healthier.


So why don’t you do it?


Responsibilities, we’ve all got them, the whethe it's taking the kids to school, making sure our pets are fed, the big presentation that we have to do that week (and haven't started) or other factors in life that come up to distract us - like an emergency.


That’s life, that’s totally normal!


I really do understand the uphill climb that you face when it comes to starting health and fitness.


But, as simple as this sounds we simply have to make time within our schedule to get our priorities in line.

I’m going to propose a simple tactic that you can use to start gaining some momentum with your health that takes no more than FIVE minutes a day.


You heard that right, FIVE minutes!


If you’ve been following me for some time on social media you will undoubtedly have come across me talking about the phrase ‘motivation begins when action takes place’


And it’s true, we cannot rely on motivation alone to pull us into better habits. Because it fluctuates all the time.


The secret to getting started is to just start, that’s all it takes!

It’s a mind game that we must learn to overcome. At times we can feel stuck, like wading through treacle at first but if we push past the first five minutes will likely to proceed the habit and behaviour - doing more than we set out to do in the first place.


But the key here is we only set ourselves five minutes… which means it doesn’t feel like an undoable task... in fact it’s totally easy - we can do five minutes of anything, anything!


So by now, you will have guessed that the five minute rule is simply starting a project, a workout, a walk etc for a short period of time… that’s all you have to set your sights on. Nothing tremendous!

I urge you... 

Try this is an experiment and I guarantee you that most of the time you will continue doing the workout etc. 


You just need to start.

Another tip...


If you’re somebody that’s likely to get swamped with work or engrossed in other activities it may be beneficial if you put a reminder on your phone alarm to start a project for five minutes….


Then make a pact with yourself when the alarm goes off that you must start that project or workout - no matter what…


No matter what’s going on or how you feel. Just do it!


At then end of the week, tell me how great this tactic is.


And remember the end goal of any healthy practice, is to a look and feel better. Think of delayed gratification – if you start looking after yourself more you’re going to start feeling better which means your life will be enhanced tenfold!

All it takes is five minutes of mild discomfort. 


Good luck !

Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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