Sick of binge eating?

Mar 29, 2023

Welcome to part one of the email series on EMOTIONAL EATING. An introduction


In the coming emails I will provide information to reflect on about what causes emotional eating and how you can change this for good.


Have you ever considered that emotions play a significant role in your weight loss journey? If not, perhaps it’s time to start paying more attention to how you feel and if that has an impact on your eating habits.


The main barrier that I have seen with people who try (and fail) to lose weight is that they don’t take time to consider the emotional rollercoaster we face once we start to reduce food intake…


We wrongly assume it’s just calories in, calories out or eat less and move more!


This ostensibly is true – but it neglects the fact that complicates and underpins all of this ..


That we are all human and we have attachments to eating behaviours, often stemming from childhood – so attempting to counteract this (by reducing calories) no doubt, will have some emotional kickback!


The part of you that needs food for comfort will pipe up.. I guarantee you


Nobody gets a free pass from this. The gremlins will reveal themselves lol


Think about what happens when you reach for the biscuits… It’s never when you’re ‘in great place right now’


It’s always at a time of stress or depression…

Just to define it, emotional eating is when we turn to food to cope with our emotions, whether it's stress, sadness, boredom or anxiety. This can lead to overeating, and ultimately hinder your weight loss progress.


And I know you don’t want this!


Many of you can relate to that feeling of despondency when, once again, you’ve fallen off track and been ‘bad’


In the coming series I will talk about mindset and how the way we negatively interact with our body and mind can be destructive and not proactive


Also, I will write about physiological – from an evolutionary standpoint – and how we are hardwired to gorge on high energy, sugary foods and that it’s not a lack of will power causing the cravings.


Trust me. You aren’t lazy or weak. You’re just having biological impulses…


All of this is to come in the next few weeks…


But what can you take away today?


Let’s do an experiment over the coming week


Start becoming aware of your emotions and how they affect your eating patterns. Be curious, but not judgemental


DON’T CHANGE ANYTHING FOR NOW! (unless you’re already a client)


Track what you eat and how you feel before and after eating. This will help you notice patterns and identify triggers that lead to emotional eating.


Do you feel energised and alive after the food you’ve had? Or sluggish and low energy?


One other thing…


Remember to be kind to yourself throughout this experiment. Imagine you’re examining a friend or someone else, so that you have a degree of separation from whatever comes up.


We will also discuss emotional health and stress relieving practices in another email.



Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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