Stop limiting yourself - and win!

Apr 26, 2023

Limiting beliefs...

...and how to overcome them!


Many of us are controlled by our own thoughts and perceptions around things. The way we think can often dictate the way we behave - whether that be positive or negative.


In this email I am going to the talk about beliefs. Specifically any beliefs that we have that impact our lives in a negative way and hinder our own progress - whether that be at work, in our relationships or simply how we think/feel about ourselves.


How do the thoughts you have affect you?


First, I wanted to talk about what a belief actually is.


Beliefs can be formed in a number of ways…


They can be formed following experiences we’ve had throughout our lives. We are likely to make decisions about ourselves and the world.


It’s understandable to anyone, that a significant event can change our lives for better or worse…


We are then liable to act in a way that confirms our changed outlook.


These repeated actions will reaffirm the belief/decision we have made and the negative (or positive) cycle continues.


For example if we are somebody that routinely procrastinates on important tasks because you decided that not being perfect is unacceptable. Perhaps because someone criticised you a lot in the past.


It’s almost always a fear (belief) that we aren’t good enough.


If we don’t manage this problem with procrastination and routinely miss deadlines and avoid productivity, then that will likely reinforce not feeling good enough.


Is there a pattern in your life that repeatedly makes you feel bad about yourself but you can’t seem to shake it?


It’s important to be aware that if we don’t overcome the limiting beliefs that hold us back we remain in the same uncomfortable trap of our own making - not able to see the wood for the trees.




I’m here to tell you that actually, you don’t have to be a prisoner to these beliefs and you can put it right – start driving them into reverse and challenge yourself to become a whole new person.


How do you overcome then?


The process is simple. But it takes time.


You need to be prepared to stick at it and before you know it, your new positive behaviour will become natural to you.


On some level we have now become attached to the behaviour that’s linked to the limiting belief.


We become attached to our own bullshit!


It’s like an old friend you’ve grown apart from or a toxic relarionship – you love them, but its making you crazy staying with them.




What you need to do now is decide if you are going to continue with the relationship… or if you’re going to move on and start living the life you truly want.


It will happen when you follow this process.


I want you to sit down with a sheet of paper. Write down all the things that are bugging you right now in your life and that you want to change.


Now with this list I want you to order it a number of importance and then choose the top three on your list cut out all the rest and write the top three in a separate list.


The idea behind this is that you do not overwhelm yourself with everything that you need to change in your life right now just the most important things that will move the needle and make you feel more confident in yourself as soon as possible.


Starting with number one you’re going to write more information about what you need to do to change this particular aspect of your life.


Then do the other two.


Now that you have a comprehensive list of the three key areas in your life that you want to change right now and what you need to do to change them it’s time to take action – today!


No matter how small or insignificant it seems I want you to start pushing forward and changing your life fright now - focusing on these 3 areas only.


And if you’re wondering about the other problems on your list. Leave them for now. They will be sorted another time…


Right now you’re just focusing on what’s in front of you.


Now the plan is in place for these three key areas and you’re ready to take action I want you to write the following sentence in a notepad or in your phone as a contractual commitment to yourself!


‘I promise to do everything with in my power to make sure I succeed with <list the 3 areas>' .

Sign it and date it.


Make an appointment or reminder in your phone for exactly 28 days from now and put an alarm on to notify you.


If one of your top 3 is around getting in shape, the link to book a chat with me is below :)




Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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