Stop the negative self-talk!

Aug 22, 2023

Self talk - why it’s important not to bullshit ourselves when we are on a weight loss journey!


Okay, so the title is pretty blunt I admit…


But, it is really important that we don’t lie to ourselves about how we truly behave.


Sometimes these behavours are really important to admit to ourselves in order for us to be able to shift and change the direction that we’re going in.


Have you heard this before…


“you need to learn effective communication”


You will hear this all the time online from therapists like myself and life coaches – specifically relationship coaches.


Of course it’s really important that we have effective communication with other people so that we can explain our needs, wants and expectations…


It’s a highly prized skill!


But, what about our own communication with ourselves?


Within our minds we have our own internal dialogue - addressing issues of the day. Worrying about the future. This dialogue liaises you to make decisions about what you need to do day to day.


Sometimes this internal dialogue works with us…it could challenge us to do better. Nurture us when we are sick. Or keep us safe!


Other times it could work against us – this is likely due to poor self-image. Something from our past may have influenced a critical voice in our minds.


And interestingly this negative self-talk becomes a habit. The good news is that you can break this habit.




Is yours working with you most of the time?


Or is it the other way around?


The other thing many of us do beyond being overly critical of ourselves… is the ability to almost lie to ourselves about the severity of our habits and behaviours.


This is most likely as a defence because the reality is too uncomfortable to face.


It’s like the prospective client that comes to me to lose a significant amount of weight but tells me they only eat ‘1200 calories a day’


If this was true this person would not be struggling with obesity related health issues and need my services.


For whatever reason they simply believe they aren’t over eating, and logic flies out of the window. That’s how powerful our need to defend uncomfortable facts can be.


I get it. Change is hard.


Facing the reality of our behaviours is never going to be comfortable, but it’s also going to be the very thing that frees you from this cycle that you’re in!




I ask you to do one thing today.


When you have some time where you won’t be disturbed and you feel emotionally strong enough to sit with some uncomfortable feelings. Take five minutes to sit, bring your attention inwards and ask yourself deeply and honestly…


‘What behaviours am I doing that are sabotaging my weight loss results?’


Then with a pen and paper write down whatever comes up.


Do not judge. Observe in a position of complete objectivity.


Give yourself this time to make peace with the past.


Then change it x









Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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