Stress can slow down your results!

Sep 06, 2023



How it can affect your weight loss and how to manage it better.


Stress, worry and concern is all part of life. Nobody has an easy time of it.


There’s always something going on…


Either we are concerned about financial obligations. Waiting to hear the results about our own or a family members health issues.


It could also be dealing with an upcoming project at work.


Or anything else that disturbs and potentially keeps us up at night.


Many of you will agree that stress doesn’t feel good. We can feel the tension in our bodies.




Did you know that this can impact your weight loss results?


A lot of people don’t consider this when they start changing their lifestyle. In fact many of us become so used to that feeling of frustration on a day-to-day basis that we don’t even notice that we’re in a perpetual state of stress in the first place.


It somehow becomes normal to us.


What’s your stress load like?


Are you managing it well?


If we are often to the state of high alert this can be a trigger point for our nervous system…


We don’t get that necessary rest and digest period in the day for our bodies to be able to reach an equilibrium and balance everything out.


And in the case of weight loss is can be destructive on your metabolism.


High stress levels produce the hormone Corsitol… which is linked to abdominal bloating and water retention.


Stress puts us in the fight or flight system of the central nervous system (CNS). This state is also known as the sympathetic nervous system.


Spending a lot of time in this state not only influences our mood, it can also impact our quality of sleep as well.


And this can lead to an influx of energy levels meaning we are more tempted to reach for highly palatable sugary foods to sustain our energy during our busy day.


It puts us in a repeated cycle of poor health habits.


There’s also research out there that when we’re in stress mode we are less likely to burn off fat as the body is more preoccupied with dealing with the imminent pressure of whatever it is that we are concerned about.


So until we take out more time in a day to chill out and recover the less likely we are to be able to burn fat even if we’re in a calorie deficit.


Think about that…


How much time do you take each day to sit and just be?


Is it enough?


Life has its ups and downs - there’s no escaping that but, there are a variety of methods that we can use to bring ourselves into a state of rest and digestion…


Walking, meditating, taking a nap and being mindful about our day-to-day existence. Staying present.


The list goes on…


Think about how you can take more time out for yourself and alleviate the stress that might be holding you back.


Paul x 

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