The relationship is everything!

Jul 19, 2023

It's all about the relationship!


How many times have you used a service and been put off by the way they handled you?


Like seeing the dentist or going to a hairdresser.


(Both of which can be very personal experiences because it requires touch)


Or perhaps you had a really good experience with them…


Something just felt right!


You felt a connection with them and that kept you going back…


Sure, they need to be good at what they do because nobody would go back to a stylist that totally ruined their hair.


The result was important as well!


But, the relationship was everything….


Especially at the start. You’ve heard it before…


‘First impressions count’


How you feel about someone dictates how the relationship (whether that is professional or personal) will develop.


You need to feel comfortable, you need to feel valued…


You also need to feel SAFE!


When looking for a coach it’s really important that you pick somebody that vibes with the person that you are and what you want to achieve…


They should align their communication with you so that you receive the messages and tools of learning without feeling any shame, resentment or just plain uncomfortableness.


Pick a coach that works for YOU!


Even if there isn’t a reason, even if it just doesn’t make any sense. Perhaps your intuition is telling you that this person isn’t the right fit for you and your weight loss journey.


How do you know that the coach is right to you?


You can just FEEL it!

Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

Read more here

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