There's no one size fits all approach!

May 31, 2023

There's no one size fits all approach – for your weight loss journey!


I know how you feel, frustrated, confused, possibly even angry at the diet industry and how it has failed you on some level.


You’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work!


Keto, 5:2, Intermittent Fasting, low carb even high carb. Anything to shed those pesky extra lbs you've been carrying. 


Here’s the thing…


Often these diets are extreme and with that unsustainable – you end up feeling like a failure. That you aren’t disciplined enough. Often described as a lack of willpower.


For your best friend keto may work brilliantly, but for you, because you have different lifestyle factors and biological needs, it just doesn’t work.

And that's ok...


In this email I am going to discuss the different factors that impact and make a significant difference to how our bodies and minds respond to various diets…


When somebody says that their 'exact diet program will work for you' – they aren’t giving you the whole package!


On many levels we are all the same…




We also have different needs based on a variety of biological, psychological and social components. In other words we lead different lives and our bodies respond differently to certain changes compared to your friends keto success story.


With the V8 Shift & Reset program at PLW fitness, we meet you where you’re at on a holistic level. Honouring the differences you have going on compared to other clients.


To give you an idea about the differences that you might have compared to other people I’m going to list the following:


1)    Whether you have a sedentary or an active job.

2)    If you have children or not.

3)    Your gender – think hormones.

4)    The type of people you have around you – social.

5)    Autoimmune diseases or chronic illness.

6)    How our body responds to recovery.

7)    Food intolerances.

8)    How are body responds to stress.

And the list can go on and on.


Notice how there are variety of different variables that can influence our progress. Some of them we can control immediately, like who we hang around with and whether those people are a good influence on us.


Others, like where we work (we could change this eventually but it’s much harder) and any chronic illnesses or food intolerances are simply something that we will have to accept and work around. – excuse the pun!


Trial and error.


I am not saying that you shouldn’t try some of these diets when you’re trying to lose weight and feel better. You could have great success. 

But, it’s important to know when our bodies aren’t responding well to these nutritional changes and when to take a different approach.


Just because somebody you know has had great results with intermittent fasting for example doesn’t mean it will definitely work for YOU!


If you’re somebody that’s more active in comparison - at work, playing with the children, or you are always at the gym... then you may need to eat breakfast to be able to sustain that.


It’s not a one size fits all approach...


Allow yourself to be different, allow yourself to listen to your body to see what it needs based on your biological and lifestyle factors.


If your low-carb diet is making you cranky and tired – eat some carbs!


If 5:2 is making you feel like you’re gonna faint, maybe it’s time to take a different approach.



Paul x


Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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