What makes PLW Fitness stand out?

Jun 21, 2023

Your results aren't just based on the scales and calorie counting!


Hello dear readers, in this article I’d like to explain a little bit more about how I work as a health and fitness coach and what I believe are the key ingredients to weight loss success.


Before I go on, I want to say that there are some basic guidelines that we need to follow and when these are adhered to we find that we not only feel better but look better. 


Sure weight loss is determined by the usual calorie deficit and an increase in activity (like exercise) but there is more at play to achieve the result you want.


In my years working as a coach and therapist I have realised that people are wonderfully more complicated in nature and the typical model of calories in and calories out just isn’t the only part if the puzzle.


We are human beings with our own worries and quirks.


The industry guidelines for weight loss are set up to give us a  logical framework and are there to show us how to succeed…


Again though, we are human and sometimes we need more help than a simple formula to aid progress.


It’s become even more clear to me this year 2023 that weight loss is an emotional journey as well as a physical change. If anything it’s even more emotional and there are so many layers that need to be unpacked for us to thrive with our target of being more lean.


I think fitness coaches that are more sensitive to the emotional impact of weight loss journey are able to tap into a very important element of the clients experience. This will create long-lasting sustainable results beyond the 6 to 8 week transformations you see on social media.


What makes the V8 shift and reset program different to any other out there?


To explain this I am going explain what V8 means. V stands for VITALITY and the number eight is for the eight guiding principles of the program which are as follows:


1)    Emotional.

Recognising that any lifestyle change has an emotional element to it. Theres a reason for the behaviour that lead us to gain weight in the first place. We need to make sure we overcome these emotional setbacks before we start changing in a sustainable way.

2)    Psychological.

All of us are wired slightly differently (but also the same). When I talk about the psychological I mean it on a biofeedback level as well as the mind, basically how we process and feel about ourselves. This can be generated by thoughts or hormones.

3)    Physical.

Let’s not forget that weight loss and health and fitness training has obvious physical benefits. We see a change in our bodies and how we look. How we stand. How we present ourselves. The physical side of it is the outward result of change in our lives.

4)    Nutrition.

How you fuel your body is so so important and with life becoming more convoluted and stressful it’s never been more important to energise our body with healthy nutritious foods. At V8 we do not endorse perfectionism -  more of a healthy and realistic approach to what we eat and how we eat.

5)    Stress management.

Stress is a big player in how are bodies adapt to nutrition and exercise. Because our lives can be frantic, it's now so pervasive that our body is in a state of frustration all the time - we become accustomed to it and don’t recognise a serious impact it can have on our emotional psychological and physical well-being.

6)    Rest and recovery.

This is not just about sleep although it is a very very important factor in our health and well-being this is also about how we allow some downtime -  things like days off. How do we wind down.

7)    Social.

For full balance with our health and well-being we need to make sure that we are actively socialising with the people in our lives (we need people)... as you know, socialising can involve food. Strike a balance. If it means having cake whilst being around people - that's ok. We need some pleasure in our lives. 

8)   Confidence.

This is the big one! Saving the best till last... V8 is about building and unstoppable confidence from within. Our repeated positive and healthy actions will garner a new state of being.

We all need to strike a balance with our health and wellbeing. It's important to remember that our mind and body has a variety if needs and functions. Sometimes its best to go hell for leather... other times its prudent for us to pull back and relax...

Eat the cookie! 

But also learn to know when it's time to up the ante and look after our body.

Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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