What rehab taught me about habit change!

Oct 04, 2023

Key things that I learned about behaviour change in rehab and addiction recovery.


My work with clients is all about changing habits so that you can then experience a healthier happier lifestyle.


Because I’ve been there and done it with a life-threatening addiction, I know firsthand what it takes to finally change direction and keep on the right path.


There’s no doubt about it, changing the way we behave is tough at first, but it is so rewarding when we finally cut out whatever it is that’s holding us back and we can finally see the light.


We start to live better!


Your story may be different to mine, it may not have been a matter of life or death to stop your destructive habits. The incentive to change may not be as strong for you.


But, there is always a consequence to remaining inert. Even if it takes years to unfold.


Have you thought about the long term consequences – like your health?


I suppose I changed mainly because I ran out of options – I had no choice.


In a way that was a gift!


In order for all of us to change our lives, to start taking action towards where we really want to go…


We have to want it enough!


We could be backed into a corner. Sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Rehab showed me the path that I was on if I didn’t change my life. If I continue drinking alcohol it was most certain that I would die eventually. Rehab displayed this.  Residents (including myself) were morally, financially, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally bankrupted.


It was a tough pill to swallow.


Here are the main things that I learnt for rehab and my ongoing alcohol addiction recovery:



- Doing the right thing build your self-esteem.


We all know what to do when it comes to changing our health and fitness. Doing the right things in accordance with what we want to achieve is the very basics of change. 

Expect that you will have some ups and downs, but you won’t always feel like it. But if you do what needs to be done anyway despite resistance, over time you start to build a level of confidence in your own ability to push through no matter what.


It's a massive achievement!


- Taking responsibility.


And I don’t just mean owning up to your own issues and apologising to people. Everybody knows that they could do better in certain areas of their lives.


I mean you take full responsibility for yourself and the consequences that happen to you. If you eat cake and feel bloated after, that’s your responsibility. Your choice.


Just like I talked about 'doing the next right thing' will make you feel more confident in your ability to look after yourself…


Taking responsibility for your health and fitness is another cornerstone for successful change.



- Consequences to your actions.


These consequences can be short-term – they happen immediately when we behave in a certain way. Or they are delayed later down the line, like a health related issue.


Sooner or later the way we behave and what we do will catch up with us. My time in treatment definitely showed me this. There were people who had been in rehab several times. And rehab isn't cheap. 


The physical consequences of long-term drug and alcohol use were saddening to see.


It was pretty clear to me but if I continue drinking that could be my future…


And what about you?


Not looking after yourself and your health will eventually catch up. I don’t mean to frighten anybody. I just want to educate you on the implications.


 - We are all worth it!


Call me Mr positive. Call me cliché.


But, I truly believe that we are all here on this planet to make some form of a difference. We come with our own set of skills that are unique to us.


It becomes a choice about whether we share that with the world or turn away from our gifts and squander that opportunity.


When you’re not at your best it can dull your spirit and dilute your very essence.


When you’re at your best. Healthy. Not only do you feel better, but you outwardly display the types of behaviour and presence that draws things to you.


Who wouldn’t like more zest out of life?


Of course you do!


Paul x





Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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