You deserve a break today!

Jun 14, 2023

Start slow and build from there...


Why it is important for our own well-being AND weight loss!


We’ve been sold a lie…


Success is not just about hard work… In fact the very thing that will prove to be the most fruitful for success is consistency of habits and learning when to slow down...


You’ve all heard it before. Phrases like:


You need to give it 110%.


Sweat is fat crying.


No pain no gain.


These notions only intensify our naïve understanding that to be successful with our weight loss goals, we need to amplify our efforts and push the envelope.


But this only causes more stress.


As much as we need an element of frustration to get us out of bed or to help us complete an action - it isn’t always ideal when it comes to losing weight. It also doesn’t feel very nice!


It doesn't have to be hard work!


Are you somebody that decides they must lose X amount of weight, in X amount of time and to do this you must maximise your efforts by working out six, possibly seven days a week intensifying those workouts more and more… restricting your calories severely?


If that last paragraph was exhausting to read, think about the literal impact relentless exercise and calorie restriction has on your body. It’s knackering.


Sure, you may find that you’re getting results initially… but how many of you have kept up the pace and continued to routinely lose weight?


My message to you is simple...

It's blunt and not at all profound..


Here it is…


Chill out and it will work for you! Just don't stop!

 First things first though. You need to change a few things about yourself before you're ready to push.


For a start ourbodies need time to recover from the changes in stimuli when we start to change our health - in particular if we change the way that we eat, it can be a task that your body isn't used to yet. It's all stress inducing.

I say this to clients at the consultation when they want immediate results:

'The body will hold onto body fat when it is under stress and we need to lull it gently into the corral like a sheepdog does with sheep... when its in there, we lock the gate shut before it has the chance to escape! Then we pick up the pace' 

It works!


If you’re serious about weight loss, and you want this to be a change that lasts a lifetime. Then slow and steady wins the race. 


As a client I never put you on a restrictive diet or a multitude of HIIT workouts. At least at first.

We work together to determine what is realistic, achievable and as low impact as possible. It's about primingyou for success.

If this means not losing much weight for the first three months (lull into the corral) in order to instil positive healthy habits consistently then that is also progress.

Once we strengthen your healthy-habit muscles, you will find the push to start the drop on the scales wayyyyy more natural and easy. Trust in the process :)


I promise you there’s no win if you're trying to jump out of the gate too quickly.

Work on the foundation first :)

Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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