You deserve to try again!

Jun 28, 2023

You deserve a second chance!


And a third, and a fourth, and a fifth, and a sixth…..


The point I’m trying to make is that despite repeated setbacks with your weight loss journey it’s okay to pick yourself up and start again and again.


A warning – this email may get a little emotional, but that’s a good thing. It’s where the growth is.


Just because it hasn’t worked for you in the past and you’ve tried everything possible to lose weight, it doesn’t mean it won’t ever work for you.


First port of call…


You hear so many people (perhaps you’ve said it in the past) that they must have a 'slow metabolism'.


Let’s get this limiting belief out the way. You’re not faulty. Your body isn’t working against you.


It’s actually doing the best it can under the circumstances.


Realising this is a good thing because now you know that as long as you strategise better and change your habits you CAN and you WILL reach your goal.


Recognising that it’s all within your control can be scary, but it’s also empowering!


It means that you have the answers available to you.


The truth is what you were doing in the past was probably on the right track but you lacked preparation and planning for the periods where life gets in the way.


Or you succumbed to the sofa and ice cream when you just didn’t feel like it.


And that meant that you lacked (that popular word) CONSISTENCY!


Now, I’m going to assume you’re in a position where you are fully ready to make a change.


The pain of staying the same has grown and you can no longer withstand the frustration with yourself…


You’ve hit rock bottom!


It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried to prioritise your health and slipped up. You can start again.


Some advice …


- If there’s anybody around you telling you can’t do it because in the past you failed - ignore them.


- If you’re telling yourself it just doesn’t work for me because I’ve tried everything yet you never gave it enough time - ignore yourself.


Tell yourself this time it will be different. That you are going to make a commitment no matter how you feel to create change.


To lose weight and keep it off you have to change your habits and that can be a mind game. Full of traps and challenges.


You need to prepare for this…


Perhaps you never succeeded in the past because you just weren’t ready?


The pain of staying the same wasn’t great enough for you to change. So you fell back into old patterns.


Because it is familiar! Even if its uncomfortable.


What’s your familiar?


Like somebody that repeatedly dates players or they find themselves in the same situations despite it ruining their quality of life - that familiar thing drives the sabotaging behaviour and the ultimate outcome.

Plan a different route for yourself this time. 




If you slip up. That’s OK.


Get back up. Dust yourself off and start again.


You deserve to feel confident in your own skin.

Start the change you've been putting off for soooo long. You've got this :)

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